Tips for Helping Your Significant Other Adjust to Hearing Loss

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Adjusting to life with hearing loss is challenging. Your partner will need lots of support from you as they face the challenges related to the condition. A positive attitude, the right communication strategies and an appropriate hearing aid solution go a long way in helping couples manage hearing loss.

Here are four ways a partner can support a significant other who is experiencing hearing loss:

Get Social

Couples often connect through shared activities, hobbies and social functions. But hearing loss can limit couples’ opportunities for socialization. A study by Action on Hearing Loss found when one person in a relationship has hearing loss, the couples’ participation in social activities decreases.1 

It’s easy to understand why couples may shy away from their usual social activities. But it’s important to help people with hearing loss regain their confidence in those settings. Whether it’s a party with family and friends or a night out at the theater, background noise can cause anxiety and hearing fatigue. Today’s advanced noise-reduction technology makes it easier for couples to enjoy their time in group settings.

Divide Household Tasks

Hearing loss requires a temporary transfer of established household responsibilities and chores. Until the partner with hearing loss feels comfortable communicating with a hearing aid, their partner can take on tasks that cause stress or anxiety; for example, by making phone calls to the doctor’s office or shopping at the grocery store.

The partner with hearing loss can reciprocate by taking on the chores they feel comfortable doing. With practice, patience, improved hearing and better speech intelligibility, couples can soon return to their normal routines.

Encourage Independence

It’s natural for the partners of people with hearing loss to worry about situations that depend on one’s ability to hear. From smoke alarms to traffic sounds, you’re probably concerned about your partner’s safety. Rely on education and counseling as well as technology to encourage your loved one’s independence. Both partners will have peace of mind.


Positive communication plays a key role in maintaining a deep emotional connection with your significant other. Take an active role in helping your loved one adjust. Go to appointments with their hearing care professional.1 By attending appointments, you’ll gain a better understanding of your partner’s challenges and learn how they can be addressed. Their hearing care professional will discuss technology options that not only amplify sound and reduce background noise but improve speech intelligibility as well.

Start on the road to better communication by finding a hearing center near you, and discover how Sonic can help make sure Everyday Sounds Better—for you and your significant other.


  1. Echalier, M. In it together: The impact of hearing loss on personal relationships. Action on Hearing Loss (formerly the Royal National Institute for Deaf People). London, UK, 2010.
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