Extend Platform


Powering the Evolution of the Personalized Hearing Experience


A natural evolution from the SoundDNA platform, the Extend Platform offers more memory and greater processing power to enrich everyday sounds.


Not all technologies listed below are available in all products or technology levels. Please refer to the Product Information Guide for the specific product to verify availability.




    Extend incorporates our latest advances in speech processing and noise management to deliver a cleaner, more intelligible sound experience. Extend features Radian-technologies, designed to precisely find, filter, and fine-tune sound from the optimum angle within a listening environment using intelligent, integrated systems.

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Sonic Debut Technologies


Radian Speech Processing

  • Optimizes the amplification of sound/speech to keep users in the conversation wherever they are
  • Keeps soft phonemes audible and loud speech elements comfortable
  • Preserves loudness of speech in persistent noise



Radian Noise Management

  • Pinpoints the best angle to amplify by locating noise sources and removing interference
  • Precisely attenuates noise in 24 frequency bands
  • Improves signal-to-noise ratio for greater listening comfort



SmartMusic Pro

Introducing SmartMusic Pro, a single dedicated program for recorded, streamed and live music. Its new fitting formula optimizes compression and gain settings to improve the amplification of music and enhance sound quality.





Radiant is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid and is the first Sonic device to support direct audio streaming from compatible Android devices.


OpenBass Dome

The OpenBass Dome comes in five sizes for a comfortable fit. Compared to our previous open dome style, it offers improved feedback performance and enhanced sound quality, especially when listening to live music or streaming.



Manage single-sided deafness with Contralateral Routing of the Signal (CROS). The CROS transmitter on the poorer ear sends a signal to a hearing aid on the better ear — which can be normal hearing (CROS) or hearing impaired (BiCROS).



Optimize fittings with patients’ personal sound preferences. EXPRESSfit® Pro automatically adjusts all available features to improve the first fit. Target symbols will appear on the Features screen, indicating the user’s preferred settings for their unique needs.


Remote Fitting

Fine-tune hearing aids remotely using your fitting PC, a wireless connection and the user’s smartphone. EXPRESSfit® Pro and the SoundLink 3 app allow you and your patient to see, hear and text during the session to ensure the best fit.




Established Technologies


Updated! Fitting Assistant

Guide the conversation with your patient to facilitate a successful fitting. Organized by topic (Loudness, Own voice, Speech, Sound quality, Noise, Feedback) and complaint, you can identify a problem together, and EXPRESSfit® Pro will offer an appropriate solution.


Adaptive Feedback Canceller Pro

A 2-in-1 system for better feedback control. A feedback monitor, an adaptive filter, and phase cancellation ensure that signals coming from the output of the receiver are subtracted from the microphone’s input to cancel feedback from the static feedback path. A fast-acting supplementary system manages feedback associated with sudden, unpredictable changes from the dynamic feedback path.

  • Feedback cancelled in both stable and changing conditions
  • Improved audibility of soft speech sounds
  • More open fittings for a natural, own-voice sound



Frequency Transfer

Helps people who have difficulty receiving high-frequency signals from their hearing aids by transferring them to a lower frequency region with better residual hearing. With up to 10 destination ranges, 7 intensity settings, high-frequency attenuation, and manual activation in fitting software, you can choose the right options for your patient




Extended Dynamic Range

To clarify loud sounds, many Sonic devices offer Extended Dynamic Range (EDR) technology that expands the dynamic range of sound up to 113 dB SPL. As sounds grow in intensity, EDR provides clarity — especially helpful in movie theaters, performances, auditoriums, and other places where sudden dramatic sounds really make the moment.


Tinnitus SoundSupport

This technology reduces a patient’s perception of tinnitus by providing amplification and generating sound relief options at the same time.

  • Customizable with sounds that vary in level and frequency content
  • Patients can control the relief sound volume manually
  • Choose from a varied selection of nature sounds or broadband sounds

Binaural Noise Management

Uses wireless technology to offset unpredictable noises that affect one side more than the other. Binaural Noise Management compares noise levels at each ear and reduces the loudest noise for a more balanced sound. Available in a range of devices and technology levels. Other noise reduction technologies include:

  • Impulse Noise Reduction lessens the discomfort of sudden, loud sounds
  • Wind Noise Reduction adjusts to outside activities
  • Soft Noise Reduction reduces low-level noise

IP68 Rating

This rating assures your patients that their hearing aids are protected from dust, sweat, and water, and easier to maintain, improving the overall patient experience.



An integrated Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery solution is available with Radiant miniRITE T R and miniBTE T R, Sonic’s newest rechargeable style on the Extend platform. With this dedicated charging system, patients can enjoy a full day of power, even when connected to their favorite accessories. Charging is fast, reaching full capacity in 3 hours.

  • Small and lightweight battery, with a user-friendly charger
  • Power on/off LED indicator on charger
  • Wall charger and USB 2.0 port options, like PC, TV, car, power bank

EXPRESSfit® Pro Software

Sonic’s easy-to-use fitting software makes fittings simple, intuitive, and accurate. To help the hearing professional, essential fitting tools include:

  • Adaptation Manager
  • Real Ear Fit
  • SoundStudio
  • Streamlined design and fitting flow
  • More fitting bands and graph view options for finer adjustments
  • Audible indicator tones for easier sound recognition
  • In situ Audiometry
  • Generate and print reports
  • Firmware Updater (no device change needed)
  • Software Updater
  • Remote Fitting

Dual-Radio System

Wireless connectivity is a way of life for today’s hearing aid users, and they can control a variety of Bluetooth wireless operations via program button, smartphone, or other accessories from Sonic. Patients can stream audio directly to their hearing devices via their iPhone® or compatible Android™ devices or connect conveniently to other wireless devices using a full range of accessories.

  • Powerful 2.4 GHz Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) technology
  • Fast and direct wireless transmissions with low battery drain
  • Near Field Magnetic Induction (NFMI) provides fast ear-to-ear communication


Sonic devices can connect to other smart devices on The Internet of Things, using the If This Then That (IFTTT) network. Users can get audible signals for an email received or an alert when someone’s at the front door. When its power is low, the hearing aids can send a text message to remind your patient to change the battery. New uses for IFTTT are appearing every day, with smart devices like these:

  • Entertainment systems
  • Electricity and thermostat controllers
  • Car stereos or remote starters
  • Smartphone apps
  • Home security systems and kitchen devices

* Requires SoundLink 2 App.


To see Sonic technology and accessories in action, contact us to arrange a personal demonstration.